Te reo maori timetable for maori medium classrooms. I te tau 200203, 77 orau o nga pakeke maori kua toro atu ki runga marae, kua titiro ki etahi. Download a dictionary a dictionary of the main words used in the quizzes is available for download. Te ara reo wiki 7 wahanga o te ra parts of the day ka wani ke. Englishmedium, is set out in the document tau mai te reo. Karakia kia hora te marino kia whakapapa pounamu te moana hei huarahi ma tatou i te rangi nei aroha atu, aroha mai tatou i a tatou katoa maypeace be widespread maythe. Tau iho ki te tahuna ki te keri i te pataka o hinemoana tai timu, tai pari he poto noa iho te wa ka whati ko te tai ka pao te torea ka whati ko te tai ka pao te torea kotahi atu ana. Tenei ko rongo ka eke, tenei ko rongo ka tau uhi, wero, tau mai te mauri haumi e, hui e, taiki e. Ka tipako i tana e hiahia ana mai i te puna reo me te puna tikanga kia taea ai te whakataurite i te.
It sets the framework for investment, identifies key priorities and strengthens. Te rangitukutukumaori medium elearning planning framework he anga te rangitukutukumaori medium elearning planning ramework e tautoko ai i nga kura me nga kaiako kia tirohia o ratou marama, o ratou matau ki nga mahi akoe. Te whakapapa o te reo i roto i te whanau researchgate. This page has the words of karakia and waiata we use in class. Tau mai te reo provides for a staged approach to ensure. Te taura whiri i te reo maori maori language commission. Te reo maori is an official language of new zealand and as the capital city, wellington is well placed and. Piki mai, kake mai, whakatau mai ki te akoranga o te tauihu. Ara, i mea mai ratou, kia maori tonu te ahua o tenei anga, a, kia tiki atu i tetahi ingoa maori hei whakamarama i nga ahuatanga o roto i te anga nei. You can also download electronic pdf verisons of our publications if you wish. Te reo huarahi street celebration, kapa haka in the mall, and we have the launch for.
I te tau 1973, he 20% noa iho nga tangata maori i matatau ki te reo. About us ako aotearoa is a governmentfunded organisation committed to supporting the countrys tertiary sector teachers, trainers and educators be the best they can be for the learners success. Te wiki o te reo maori has been a big one for us with 3 major events on the go. The tinana game is downloadable, so that you can save the game to your own computer and use it whenever you like. There will be a focus on speaking te reo maori and applying it in. It describes meihanas current doctoral research activities experiences and challenges, and will be of use to students exploring similar issues and maori modes of investigation. Te ara poutama indicators of quality for early childhood education. The 2 documents share a common framework while describing. Labels for the kitchen ka kupu kihini labels for the office ka kupu tari labels for the toilet tohu wharepaku months of the year ka marama o te tau a puzzle book for maori language learners and speakers he makamaka fun with te reo ka kohe prayers karakia sayings of praise and reprimand kiwaha whakamihi whakamania. A, e tangi ana hoki ki te hunga kua riro ki te po, ina te tokonui e nunumi atu ana. Te reo matatini o te putaiao ka pakari haere te mohio ki te reo matatini o te putaiao. Te reo tuatahi provides te reo to students in mainstream schools, via language assistants kaiawhina reo who deliver lessons in te reo with the classroom teacher present. Tau mai te reo informs and supports the maori language in education related elements within ka hikitia accelerating success.
Tertiary education institution name change criteria. Te reo maori he korero meihana durie te wananga o raukawa. Te ture mo te reo maori 2016 no 17, public act new. Te reo maori in classrooms new zealand council for educational.
We hope you will be encouraged to continue your journey on completion of toro mai. Te ture mo te reo maori 2016 no 17, public act legislation. It is in a windows help file format, english to maori. This qualification is for graduates of the level 3 programme who wish to further develop their knowledge of the maori language, and marae customs and practices. Living the treaty of waitangi through a bicultural. Want to plan ahead or practise to impress your friends. E noho ana ahau ki te taone iti o te takurua i te ika a maui. Nov 02, 2017 te kohanga reo movement was born out of the concern that the kaumaatua had for the survival and revival of te reo maori tangaere, 2000. Mai i te tau 2001, kua mahi ngatahi te tari arotake matauranga me te. Ki te pukumahi koe, a, ki te whakaoti pai hoki koe i nga. Living the treaty of waitangi through a bicultural pedagogy. You can read more about how to build an educationally powerful. Tau mai te reo the maori language in education strategy 202017. Te matawai will soon begin investing in iwi, hapu, whanau and community initiatives that focus on maori language revitalisation in homes and communities.
This may be helpful if you wish to practice at home. Tau mai te reo the maori language in education strategy 202017 tau mai. Register for kupu o te ra and you will also receive te kupu o te wiki every monday. Traditional or classical reo this is the most beautiful form of our reo. Te matawai is a new organisation established under te ture mo te reo maori 2016 the maori language act 2016 to lead revitalisation of te reo maori on behalf of iwi and maori. Tau mai te reo, the pasifika education plan 202017 and the maori.
Tau mai te reo the maori language in education strategy 202017 tau mai te reo expresses what the ministry of education and education sector agencies will do for learners of maori language in education. Te aho ngarahu was established in 2017 as an initiative to improve the access to quality te reo maori localised curriculum resources to support akonga, kaiako and kahui ako learning in and through te reo maori in both maori medium and english medium settings. Digital information literacy dil is the ability to recognise the need for, to access, and to evaluate electronic information. Little research exists on educational transition experiences of maori, the indigenous people of aotearoa new zealand.
Further studies in te reo maori and maori studies are offered both oncampus and online by te putahiatoi the school of maori knowledge at massey university. Vocabulary unit 3 kai unit plans homepage he reo tupu. I te tau 2006, 66 orau o nga pakeke maori i ki mai kei a ratou he aheinga mo te whakarongo ki te reo. He hononga ano ki etahi atu wahanga ako, engari ma te pouako tonu e whiriwhiri ko ehea nga wahanga ako me nga whainga paetae hei whakaako mana.
Tau mai te reo is vital in ensuring the maori language is valued, appropriately considered, and prioritised in education. Anei etahi hononga ki nga wahanga ako o te reo maori i te marautanga o aotearoa. The health of the maori language in 2006 te puni kokiri. Our aim is to use these descriptions of the natural world in. Mai i te tekau tau 1970, i whakaputaina te awangawanga mo te oranga o te reo. Te reo tuatahi te reo language assistants in mainstream schools. Because a woman with beautiful language has been found, who has a sharp mind and all the qualities to fulfil the tasks, and thats. Tau mai te reo the maori language in education framework, and using the.
A portal site which connects out to te reo resources, free software for download, news and other awesome stuff. Te whanake tv drama serials for maori language learning. Tena koutou katoa, ko mauao te maunga, ko tauranga te moana, ko ngati ranginui te iwi, ko pirirakau te hapu, ko anahera toku ingoa, tekau ma rima oku tau. Thus, the first kohanga reo was set up in 1982 with the idea of involving whanau and teaching children te reo maori within an immersion environment tangaere, 2000. All you need to do is download zoom and login with using one of the below codes. The right to language is a vital human right, because it goes to the very heart of a persons identity and culture. Ka tipako tenei i te kurawai nui o te aheinga torohu i roto i te taupori maori. See more ideas about maori words, waitangi day and maori. Te aho ngarahu fostering te reo maori through localised. See more ideas about maori, maori words and maori art. Enrolments and completions in tertiary reo maori qualifications have both. Consultation with your schools maori community is an important part of your boards commitment to your maori students success as maori. Ki te ara ake he patai i roto i nga whakahaerenga e pa ana ki te tika o te whakawhitinga reo awaha mai i te reo maori ranei ki te reo pakeha, mai i te reo pakeha ranei ki te reo maori, me whakatau rawa e te apiha whakahaere te take i runga i ta te apiha whakahaere e pai ai.
Here are some links to the te reo maori learning area of te marautanga o aotearoa. Many of the words and phrases of classical reo used are poetical references to events. Here are some links to the te reo maori learning area of. I piki hoki nga taumata aheinga katoa i roto i nga wahanga pakeke katoa. We are again bringing te kupu o te wiki rerenga korero o te wiki to you for te wiki o te reo maori maori language week for a year.
Te rangitukutukumaori medium elearning planning framework. Te reo o te repo reveals the rich connection that whaanau, marae, hapuu, and iwi have with their repo. The places you are most likely to hear the reo being utilised are at kapa haka festivals, nga manu korero, within learning institutions or organisations that provide courses in te reo or on the marae. Te reo koruarua 2 3 d e c e m b e r 2 0 1 1r a u m a t i, i s s u e 2 nau mai, haere atu ra nga mihi o te nuku, o te rangi ki a tatau o ngati rangi nui tonu e noho tata nei, e noho mamao atu kia rongo ai tatau i te tangi o te kawekawea me te pipiwharauroa. This website of two thirteenpart serials complements the te whanake series of textbooks and resources for learning maori. Living the treaty of waitangi through a bicultural pedagogy in early childhood.
At te whare wa nanga o te tau ihu o te waka a maui our team of tutors are dedicated advocates, promoters and livers of te reo and tikanga maori and have a commitment to sharing their passion and experience with others while growing the understanding of tikanga maori and te reo. Evaluation indicators and frameworks publications education. Te tauihu commits the council to recognise the status of te reo maori, acknowledges the history. E te tii e te taa, tahuri mai ano ki te reo o te tuawhenua me. He korero poto tenei mo oku wawata mo nga tau kei te heke mai, ara, hei te wa ka wehe atu au i te kura. Ma tatou katoa te reo maori e whakarauora, pawhiria mai mo te roanga ake. Maori language in eduation includes maori medium education and maori language in english medium.
He whariki matauranga mo nga mokopuna o aotearoa early childhood curriculum and te whariki a te kohanga reo. I would only select a resource if i could implement it and it was. Maori medium elearning planning framework te rangitukutuku. Maori medium elearning planning frameworkte rangitukutuku. Framework he anga te rangitukutukumaori medium elearning planning ramework e tautoko ai i nga kura me. The fun and effective way to learn and practice maori vocabulary. Ka whakarite rautaki rangahau hei whakawhanui ake i ona pukenga rangahau. Manaaki whenua e karanga atu nei ki a koutou katoa, koinei te.
Te tohu tauihu te kaupae 4 nz certificate in te reo me. As well as making te reo maori an official language of new zealand, the act also established the maori language commission now te taura whiri i te reo maori to promote the use of maori as a living language and an ordinary means of communication. Drama serials for independent maori language learning. Level 2 te reo maori, 20 91286 panui kia mohio ki te reo o te ao torotoro 2. Excellent for advanced learners of te reo, here are the maori name for parts of the day. Te reo maori timetable for maori medium classrooms editable tpt. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Maori vocabulary english translation hiainu thirsty hiakai hungry hoko to buy, to sell inu to drink kai to eat kawa sour.
Katahi ano tana mokopuna ka tae mai ki te kainga, a, kei roto te koroua i te kihini e noho ana. Te tauihu commits the council to recognise the status of. We know that maori succeed when teaching and learning reflects their diverse values identity, language. It sets the strategic direction for the ministry of education and education sector agencies and provides a framework for better government investment in maori language in education from 20 to 2017. Each section on the left has information and some have sound, to help with pronunciation. Jul 31, 2017 one of these was the maori language act. This vision for tau mai te reo is zkia tau te reo supporting maori language in education. Editable te wataka the maori version of my daily visual timetable is a set of colourful and appropriately illustrated, learning activityroutine and time cards to assist you in constructing a visual timetableschedule for daily or weekly use inside a maori medium education setting. O koutou manawa, ki o matou manawa, tane ka irihia 4th section is a statement of the completion of the action. Kia mahorahora te reo maori te taura whiri i te reo maori. Te tomokanga a portal site which connects out to te reo resources, free software for download, news and other awesome stuff. Nga ahuatanga o te akonga te reo matatini o te pangarau te.
We are again bringing te kupu o te wiki rerenga korero o te wiki to you for te wiki o te reo maori maori language week for a year register for kupu o te ra and you will also receive te kupu o te wiki every monday want to plan ahead or practise to impress your friends. Ka puta mai te ingoa o te rangitukutuku i runga i te tono a te ohu matua me te ohu whaiti. Tera tetahi huarahi mai i te kuaha o te wharekai ki te taha o te wharenui. Mai ea, mai ea, mai i te tupua, mai i te tawhito, mai i te kahui o nga ariki 3rd section is the action, the ordering of what is required.
Ki te ara ake he patai i roto i nga whakahaerenga e pa ana ki te tika o te whakawhitinga reo awaha mai i te reo maori ranei ki te reo pakeha, mai i te reo pakeha ranei ki te reo maori, me whakatau rawa e te apiha whakahaere te take i runga i. Tau mai te reo the maori language in education strategy 20 2017. Tasks and activities homepage he reo tupu, he reo ora. This section has a range of games aimed at helping strengthen te reo. In line with the primary aim of the pedagogies of educational transitions poet project, to expand knowledge and understanding of educational transitions internationally, this chapter focuses on transitions involving children from maori medium. Thank you for your interest in the tau portable profiling implementation version 2. It will never replace the value of having someone to converse with, but it will try to give a foundation for our language. Line of sight to the learner through the implementation of tau mai te reo will. Haruru mai ana te wao i te hinga mai o te totara e tiraha ana ki raro, koutou nga mate e kore e warewarehia, haere whakangaro atu. To introduce some simple foodrelated vocabulary, use flashcards featuring pictures of kai as in resource sheet 3. Here are the kupu together with the sound files mp3s and pdfs as they become. I te mea kua kitea mai tetahi wahine tino ataahua nei te reo, koi nei te hinengaro, me ona ahuatanga katoa e tutuki ai i a ia nga mahi, a, koina maua ko taku wairua e uruhau nei, e ora nei hm 11995.
At te whare wa nanga o te tau ihu o te waka a maui our team of tutors are dedicated advocates, promoters and livers of te reo and tikanga maori and have a commitment to sharing their passion and experience with others while growing the understanding of. For other teachers, they wanted more guidance on the types of. It also highlights the collaborative efforts between tangata whenua and research providers to restore these unique ecosystems and increase the health and wellbeing of our repo for future generations. Ko nga raraunga mai i te patapatai hml 2006 ka whakaatu tera he 35% o nga kaiurupare i toro atu ki.
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